For nature enthusiasts with a strong will to shape
- For people who like to do it themselves:
Suggestions for getting active yourself can be found here.
You can find information about volunteering here.
- For people who have something to celebrate:
You can find information on special occasion donations here.
- For people who want to commit larger amounts:
The "Endowment Giving for Nature" page was made for major donors, philanthropists and funders.
- For people who want to help shape the world beyond their own lives:
Here you can find out how you can contribute to the preservation of Europe's natural heritage with your testamentary disposition.
- In case of bereavement:
Donations instead of flowers and wreaths to express condolence
- For people who represent a company or work freelance:
This page contains information on corporate donations.

Valbona river in Albania
© Goran Safarek