Who we are: A small core team and a wide-spreading network

The EuroNatur team in December 2022: Close together not only because of the cold weather
© Gerald JarauschEuroNatur chose not to set up its own web of offices manned with full-time staff all over Germany. Our work is concerned with setting up cooperation between existing nature conservation organisations which have excellent connections in their immediate environment and are working successfully there. Donations do not disappear into any overblown administrative apparatus - they go directly to the projects.
The foundation is based in Radolfzell on Lake Constance. In addition to the executive director, EuroNatur currently employs 29 full-time staff. Furthermore, there is an honorary EuroNatur Presidium and a EuroNatur Board of Trustees. The EuroNatur Service GmbH in Radolfzell also employs three full-time staff members.
The EuroNatur executive

Gabriel Schwaderer -
EuroNatur Executive Director
“If EuroNatur didn't exist we'd have to invent it. Because our work as advocate of Nature in Europe has enabled us to save many landscapes from destruction. Together with the people living in the project areas we stand for sustainable regional development in harmony with the needs of wildlife and the protection of the countryside."
Our Project Team
Programme Area Fresh Water

Annette Spangenberg –
Head of Programme Fresh Water
“One of the reasons I enjoy working at the foundation so much is that at EuroNatur there’s no such thing as routine work and I’m able to continually develop my skills. Every day I get a lot of satisfaction from helping our partners to raise the profile of nature conservation work in their own countries - despite, and perhaps also because of, the many challenges we encounter along the way.”
More about Annette Spangenberg…

Amelie Huber -
Project Manager Fresh Water
“Linking scientific expertise with political environmental activism – that’s exactly what inspires me about EuroNatur’s conservation work.”

Leonard Sonten –
Project Manager Fresh Water
“EuroNatur looks at the big picture. It is this cross-border thinking and work that makes EuroNatur strong and special,’ he says. ‘The prospect of people working together across borders in nature conservation and supporting each other motivates me immensely.”
Programme Area Migratory Birds and Cultural Landscapes

Stefan Ferger –
Head of Programme Migratory Birds and Cultural Landscapes
“Nature conservation can only work if it is based on local people's acceptance. The fact that EuroNatur always bears the local people in mind is, in my view, one of the essential reasons for the success of the Foundation.”

Justine Vansynghel -
Project Manager Migratory Birds
“What I particularly like about EuroNatur is the sheer variety of different tasks. In my day-to-day work, I need specialist knowledge as well as organisational and communication skills, especially when dealing with partners. Working with the many motivated people in migratory bird conservation is incredibly inspiring for me.”
Our Branch Office in Brussels
Viktor Berishaj - Senior Policy Officer

“The Balkan Peninsula is a biodiversity hotspot. It's part of a common heritage to which we are all connected, whether we live there or not. It is a European heritage:”

Thomas Freisinger - Senior Policy Officer
“If you take a firm stance in the EU political environment, people will notice you. EuroNatur doesn't compromise too easily; it’s one of the organisations known for taking a somewhat harder line - and for standing by it. I think that’s a good thing."
Programme Area European Green Belt

Anne Katrin Heinrichs -
Head of Programme European Green Belt
“The many different areas of activity in EuroNatur and its principle of combining practical projects on the ground with work at political level strongly appeal to me. I am particularly impressed with the way EuroNatur always bears the needs of local people in mind. I also very much enjoy the cooperation with local partner organisations.”

Jessica Bitsch -
Projekt Manager European Green Belt
“I simply enjoy networking, it comes naturally to me. I always look for what connects, not what divides, whether it's ecosystems or people.”

Samuel Carleial Fernandes -
Project Manager European Green Belt
"Until I discovered the EuroNatur job advert, I had never heard of the European Green Belt. Since then, I’ve become quite enthusiastic about the initiative, which has an exciting momentum and is stimulating something really big: a passage of valuable habitats across the entire continent. I'm happy to play a part in this."

Isabel Wintermantel –
Project Manager European Green Belt
“We humans are so strong and can achieve so much when we are united by a vision. The European Green Belt is an outstanding example of this. The stakeholders involved in the initiative are united by the idea of protecting this natural and cultural treasure. At EuroNatur we don’t just talk, we act too – and that’s what convinces me.”
Programme Area Large Carnivores

Mareike Brix -
Head of Programme Large Carnivores
“I am particularly fascinated by the great biodiversity of the landscapes of south-east Europe which are still unspoilt in many places. I want to play my part in preserving them. EuroNatur gives a very high priority to biodiversity and wilderness.”

Antje Henkelmann –
Project Manager Wolf and Bear Conservation
"I feel very fortunate that my work allows me to deal with animals that have always fascinated me and that I can contribute with my experience in international cooperations. In doing so, I definitely want to keep my openness towards the different and sometimes conflicting concerns of all parties involved."

Lisa Leschinski -
Project Manager Lynx & Monk Seal
„I am a research scientist but science alone is not enough in order to effectively protect such species as the lynx and the wolf. Fact-based communication and public relations are much needed, too. This is the only way of achieving acceptance and coexistence of humans and wildlife.“
Our Communications Team
Press and Public Relations

Anja Arning –
Head of Communications,
Press and Public Relations
“Solidarity does not have much advocacy in today’s societies. But with EuroNatur this is different. Instead of profit seeking, the focus is on the common idea, on thinking beyond one’s own nose, on interconnectedness. As part of the EuroNatur network, I have the good feeling that I can make a meaningful contribution.”

Katharina Grund –
Public Relations and Donation Publicity
“Nature conservation is a matter very close to my heart. On the one hand, it is hard to be confronted with the destruction of nature day by day. On the other hand, I am motivated by the many committed people from Spain to Albania who fight for Europe’s nature as part of the EuroNatur network. It is their stories that I want to tell.”
More about Katharina Grund...

Anika Konsek -
Communications Officer for Freshwater and Wilderness
"I give a voice to our rivers and forests in Europe so that they receive the appreciation they deserve, and with this, humankind and nature come together - by speaking the same language."

Kerstin Sauer –
Graphics and Distribution, EuroNatur Service GmbH
“Day by day I’m happy that my work contributes to presenting EuroNatur’s projects visually appealing, easy to understand, and colourful.”

Christian Stielow –
Press and Public Relations
"One of my key concerns is to increase central European awareness of the Balkans. The landscapes of South East Europe are every bit as rich and varied as its cultures. I want to make people more aware not only of its beauty, but also of the threats to its survival."

Markus Dressnandt –
Deputy Head of Communications,
Online-Fundraising and Marketing
”EuroNatur's motto - Connecting people with Nature – is the best motto I know. I am always happy to think I'm working in this strong international network and am able to make my contribution to preserving nature and the environment.”

Mira Bell –
Online Fundraising and Public Relations
„Due to my studies as a literary scholar, I see nature above all associated with people. That is why I especially like the EuroNatur slogan „Connecting nature and people“.

Ines Fantinato –
Donor service
"Albrecht Dürer's exhortation ‘If you want to know what beauty is, go out into nature and you will find it there’ hits the nail on the head. It gives me a sense of satisfaction to know that my work at EuroNatur will help to preserve the beauty of nature."

Anja Nieden - Editorial assistance
"Having grown up in a village, I always took nature for granted. I only realised that something was wrong when I had my first child. We must take care of our natural resources. As part of EuroNatur, I am happy to make a small contribution to this."
Gerd Wiest, IT

“The way we work together here is exceptional. I have experienced a lot during my career, both positive and negative, but I was happy to give up my self-employment for EuroNatur. And if I can also make a small contribution to stopping the disappearance of biodiversity with my work, then I’m very happy.”
Our Administration Team
General administration

Leonie Kraut -
Head of Administration,
Personal Assistant to the Executive Director
„In spite of the wide range of projects and the international framework of the work EuroNatur never loses sight of the smaller scale things. Every project, each person, every donation counts. That really appeals to me.“

Lola Arriola -
Project administration
‘Professionally, I want to contribute my enthusiasm for nature conservation by working in organisations that are committed to these goals. That's why I decided to work for EuroNatur. My colleagues and the partner organisations motivate me with their daily commitment to the protection of Europe's natural heritage.’

Michael Fantinato –
Office Management and Administration
“I am proud to have my roots in the Balkans. By working at EuroNatur I want to give something back to my home country Slovenia and do something good from a distance.“

Manuela Fundinger –
Bookkeeping and Administration, EuroNatur Service GmbH
“I find it fascinating at EuroNatur to get a look behind the scenes of conservation work. It’s great to see what conservationists across Europe achieve. I’m pleased to be able to make a small contribution to that with my work.”

Elfrun Lindenthal -
Administration (on parental leave)
“The impact of environmental factors is not just local; everything is connected with everything else. This becomes particularly clear in the conservation of bodies of flowing water. So I really identify with the transnational approach used in EuroNatur’s projects.”

Nadya Moussa -
Project Administration
"EuroNatur is devoted to trust and diversity. The team is deliberately diverse and critical thoughts are welcome here. I felt in good hands at EuroNatur right from the start".

Daniela Löchle –
Deputy Head of Administration,
Human Resources and Accounts, EuroNatur Foundation
Executive Director of EuroNatur Service GmbH
“There's always something happening here. I have developed along with EuroNatur and feel very attached to the organisation.”

Patrizia App –
"It is very important to me for whom and with whom I work every day. In my view, EuroNatur offers a harmonious environment to everyone in which we can make meaningful work."

Marion Lenz -
Finance & Accounting
'It is up to all of us to see every tree, every water, every living thing as a gift and preserve it. At EuroNatur, I can make a small contribution in increasing this awareness.'