Anwers to frequently asked questions
Is the answer to your question not included? Feel free to contact us, we will assist you individually. You will find a list of contact persons at the bottom of this page.
Which kind of donation suits me best?
How can I give a donation as a gift?
Which payment methods can I use?
Can I make tax deductible donations to EuroNatur?
What are special occasion donations and what do I have to do?
How can I organise a condolence donation?
Where can I find your statutes?
Do you publish an annual report?
Does EuroNatur have a donation seal?
How transparent is EuroNatur?
How high is the proportion of expenditure on statutory programmes?
Who stands behind EuroNatur?
Do you offer a press review?
What is the EuroNatur Award?
I don't want to donate. Can I still contribute something?
Our contact persons for your donation
We advise you in a friendly, respectful and competent manner about all the questions concerning your donation.

Ines Fantinato gladly advises you regarding the following issues
- Single donations
- Sponsorships
- Sustaining memberships
- Direct debit authorisations
- Terminations
Tel: +49 7732 9272 16

Markus Dressnandt is your contact person for the following issues:
- Digital donations
- Donation widgets for your website
- Corporate donations
Tel: +49 7732 9272 23
EuroNatur is a non-profit foundation
EuroNatur is a non-profit private-law foundation with legal capacity based in Radolfzell on Lake Constance, Germany. The responsible supervisory agency is Regierungspräsidium Freiburg (regional council Freiburg), file number 14-0563-174. The responsible tax authority Singen/Hohentwiel recognises EuroNatur’s non-profit status under tax no. 18153/25263. Donations to EuroNatur are therefore tax-deductible in Germany. The EuroNatur Foundation has been awarded the DZI donation seal and is member of the Transparent Civil Society Initiative.