Bear, wolf, lynx news

Europe weakens wolf protection

Major blow to science and biodiversity after vote by EU member states

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Strengthen wolf protection, don't weaken it!

More than 300 civil society groups call on the EU to strengthen, not undermine, efforts to live with wolves. Member States should strengthen wolf protection, not weaken it.


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Trees for Spain’s bears: Cherries and plums for a peaceful coexistence

Broken branches, plundered cherry trees, a pile of droppings in the meadow - it's impossible to overlook: a powerful animal has been at work here. "This bear has to go!" hisses the owner of the property in Villarino del Sil, a village in the northern Spanish province of León. It won't be easy to placate him.

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Bern Convention: Skavica dam in Albania contradicts the Balkan Lynx Recovery Programme

The Bureau of the Convention recently accepted a new complaint and urged the Albanian authorities to not develop projects which may negatively affect habitats and species.

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Better protection for the Balkan lynx

++ The Conference on the Convention of Migratory Species (CMS) takes place in Uzbekistan ++ The Balkan lynx is now also included in the agreement ++ Range states commit to measures to protect the critically endangered cat ++

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Brown bear freed from snare trap

In Albania, a female bear has been freed alive after being caught for week in a snare trap. The joint rescue operation is an excellent example of successful cross-border cooperation between Albanian and Greek conservationists.

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Wolves in danger of remaining less protected

The European Commission announced a proposal to the member states to downgrade the protection status of the wolf under the Bern Convention. This proposal is not supported by scientific evidence and is a smack in the face for conservational efforts for the wolf in Europe. Like hundreds of other NGOs all over Europe, EuroNatur strongly opposes this political move and calls on all member states to reject it.

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300+ NGOs stand firm against the decision to review the conservation status of the wolf

As the European Commission contemplates a review of the conservation status of wolves, prompted by unfounded claims of harm to humans and livestock, EuroNatur and 300+ NGOs are sounding the alarm over the potential repercussions of such a decision.

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Female bear with two cubs shot dead in Greece

A hideous environmental crime in Greece: a mother bear and her cubs were killed in a Natura 2000 area. Again and again, Europe's large carnivores fall victim to poaching.

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Illegal garbage dumps cause conflicts with bears

Illegal garbage dumps near settlements are not only a problem for the soil and the environment. They often attract brown bears. Being omnivores, the bears find easily accessible food there and thus lose their shyness towards humans. This can be dangerous for animals and humans - as is currently the case in North Macedonia.

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