Transparency – one of EuroNatur’s important tenets

We are responsible stewards of the resources entrusted to us. This includes full and comprehensible financial reporting and how we deal with potential risks. Information on these topics can be found on this page and the two related sub-pages (see right-hand column). The latest financial statements are also published on the Annual Report page.
DZI Seal of Approval - We deserve your trust!

Every year since 2006, EuroNatur has been awarded the seal of approval offered by the renowned German Central Institute for Social Issues (DZI). Since 2004, applications have been open to all organisations that collect donations (previously only institutions running social programmes). EuroNatur is one of the first nature conservation organisations to be awarded the seal. The seal is awarded for one year at a time, following an in-depth audit that examines not only the organisation’s accounting, but also the fulfilment of statutory purposes and the fundraising integrity.
The criteria for the award of the donation seal can be summarised as follows:
- truthful, clear and factual advertising in words and images,
- verifiable, economical and statutory use of funds in compliance with relevant tax regulations, clear and understandable accounting,
- audit of the annual financial statements and corresponding submission to the DZI,
- internal monitoring of the management body by an independent supervisory body,
- no bonuses, commissions or profit sharing are paid for fundraising.
So you can be sure that your donation will go a long way to protect wildlife and their habitats, and make a real contribution to conserving the natural resources on which human and animal welfare depend.
To the DZI Website (German only)
For many years now, EuroNatur has voluntarily undergone an annual audit by a firm of accountants. The audit includes i.a. the balance sheet, the profit and loss account, the accounting and valuation methods and the management report for the financial year.
In 2023, EuroNatur once again voluntarily submitted to an audit of its annual accounts by an auditor. The auditing and tax accounting firm WISTA AG audited EuroNatur Foundation’s 2023 annual accounts in accordance with Par. 317 ff. of the German Commercial Code (HGB) and in accordance with the accepted standards for the review of financial statements as set out by the Institute of Public Auditors in Germany (IDW) and endorsed the accounts with an unqualified audit certificate.
Ethics Signet of the German Fundraising Association (Deutscher Fundraising Verband e.V.)

EuroNatur is a member of the German Fundraising Association (DFRV) and is committed to the "19 Basic Rules for Good, Ethical Fundraising Practice" and the "Charter of Donors' Rights". Details can be found on the DFRV website (German only).
Initiative for transparency in civil society

EuroNatur has also been a signatory to Transparency International Germany’s “Initiative Transparente Zivilgesellschaft” (Initiative for transparency in civil society) for many years. Signatories to the initiative voluntarily commit to publishing ten particular items of information about their organization on their homepage. These include i.a. their statutes, the names of essential decision-makers, and information on how they are funded, how they use their funding, and their personnel structure.
Link to the Initiative Transparente Zivilgesellschaft website (German only).
1. Name, location, address and year founded:
2. Full constitution and information on the goals of our organisation
3. Information on tax relief
4. Names and roles of key decision makers
5. Report of activities
6. Staffing structure
7. Information on the source of funds
8. Information on the allocation of funds
9. Affiliations with third parties under company law