Bears, vultures and flamingos - Europe's wildlife

Flying flamingos Flying flamingos
Cross-border protection of bears, wolves and lynx as well as Europe's migratory birds is one of EuroNatur's core concerns.
© Peter Sackl

Livanjsko Polje: When humans enrich nature

The Livanjsko Polje in Bosnia-Herzegovina is a cultural landscape rich in biodiversity. We support farmers in finding approaches for a sustainable way of life. In this way, we are also helping to prevent young people from migrating. Our author Katharina Grund visited a some of them.

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Seal Conservationists from the Balkans on Germany’s Offshore Island

A maritime adventure: The small ferry takes us from Heligoland’s main island to the dune, just under a kilometre away. At the end of February, hundreds of Germany’s biggest marine mammal, the grey seal, are gathered there. And we will come very close to them...


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“Without the hunters, we wouldn’t have been able to push the project through!”

Under the LIFE Lynx project, a total of 18 lynx have been caught in the Carpathians and translocated to Slovenia and Croatia to strengthen the local lynx populations there. The project has been extremely successful, also due to the the collaboration with the hunters. We spoke to Maja Sever and Rok Černe from the Slovenian Forest Authority about the project.

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Trees for Spain’s bears: Cherries and plums for a peaceful coexistence

Broken branches, plundered cherry trees, a pile of droppings in the meadow - it's impossible to overlook: a powerful animal has been at work here. "This bear has to go!" hisses the owner of the property in Villarino del Sil, a village in the northern Spanish province of León. It won't be easy to placate him.

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Wolf in the forest

What happened before the click...Photographers tell their story behind a special picture. This time: a wolf who seems to sense something.

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Wild Europe - Eye to eye with nature

Is there still unspoilt nature in Europe? A young film team sets off to discover the last remaining natural treasures of our continent. They soon realise that wilderness is much more than just a dot on the map. Wilderness safeguards biodiversity, helps the climate and protects habitats. But the last untouched areas are threatened by illegal timber trade, poaching and destruction.

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A bird that brings people together

Storks wherever you look. The stork village of Pentowo in Poland is an Eldorado for stork fans. The 20th meeting of the European Stork Villages took place there in May 2023: a unique experience for everyone involved.

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Fatal high

What happened before the click...Photographers tell their story behind a special picture. This time: an alcohol trip with fatal consequences

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Between the Alps and the Adriatic - EuroNatur in Slowenia

At the end of September, most of the staff at EuroNatur set off on a study tour of Slovenia. Before the trip, the staff take a vote to see which of our project areas we would like to get a deeper understanding of. It soon becomes apparent that flying is not an option. So we set off from Lake Constance across the Alps in two hired minibuses...

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Swimming for monk seals

The internationally successful open water swimmer Dina Levačić often trains in the Adriatic Sea. On 14 June, however, under special circumstances: to protect the monk seal.

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