Ines Fantinato

Donations management

EuroNatur employe Ines Fantinato
© Kerstin Sauer

Ines Fantinato has been an important member of the EuroNatur team since 2014. Experienced in business, she writes letters of welcome to all new sponsors and supporters, creates and sends out sponsorship certificates, ensures that donations are properly recorded and keeps the contact database for EuroNatur's donors, sponsors and supporters up to date.

Being outdoors and immersing herself in spectacular landscapes is very important to Ines. She says: "Albrecht Dürer's exhortation ‘If you want to know what beauty is, go out into Nature and you will find it there’ hits the nail on the head. It gives me a sense of satisfaction to know that my work at EuroNatur will help to preserve the beauty of Nature."
