Donor service

Ines Fantinato has been part of the EuroNatur team since 2014. For ten years, the trained industrial clerk has worked in donation management, where she welcomed new EuroNatur supporters and ensured that donations were booked correctly. From January 2025, Ines Fantinato will take over donor relations from Sabine Günther.
‘I realise time and again what great donors we have, how open-minded they are and how convinced they are of EuroNatur. Nature and conservation are important to them, and it is important to many of them to get involved. I feel a great appreciation for this. I look forward to interacting with them and helping to ensure that our donors feel well looked after and informed by EuroNatur,’ she says. You are welcome to contact Ines Fantinato if you have any questions about our projects, support options or concerns relating to donations in wills or endowments.
Being outdoors and immersing herself in spectacular landscapes is very important to Ines. She says: "Albrecht Dürer's exhortation ‘If you want to know what beauty is, go out into nature and you will find it there’ hits the nail on the head. It gives me a sense of satisfaction to know that my work at EuroNatur will help to preserve the beauty of nature."