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Quail hunting in the Balkans is causing the loss of this endangered species

The quail hunting season has begun, including in many Balkan countries. Illegal methods, such as decoys, are often used. The high numbers of birds shot poses a major threat to these increasingly rare birds.

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Women from Kruščica support protest against water extraction project

Brave Women of Kruščica join forces with Shushica Valley in fight against Water Abstraction Project

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Sarantaporos Science Week: On a research mission for Europe's first Transboundary Wild River National Park, Aoos/Vjosa

More than sixty volunteer scientists from nine countries, explored the hidden life of the Sarantaporos River, the “big brother” of Europe’s last free-flowing river, the transboundary Aoos/Vjosa River.

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How well do the Balkan states protect their rivers?

New study shows systemic failures of Western Balkan countries to comply with EU environmental law

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eXit Hate Speech: 47 organisations cease activities on X

EuroNatur leaves Platform X, formerly Twitter, together with 46 other organisations. The eXit will be accompanied by an eXit week, during which the alliance partners will provide information about the dangers of hate speech on their social media channels.

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Science delegation explores intact Vjosa Delta

++ 40 Scientists collaborate to assess biodiversity and advocate for inclusion in the Vjosa Wild River National Park amidst threats of mass tourism ++

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Stop the deforestation! 106,000 people are calling for protection of Romania’s forests

++ Successful petition for Romania's primary and old-growth forests ++ NGOs are protesting in Brussels against the inaction of EU Environment Commissioner Sinkevičius ++ Infringement proceedings for illegal logging stuck ++

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More than 111,000 votes for better Odra River protection

++ Petition to protect the Odra River signed by over 111,000 people ++ Handover to EU Environment Commissioner ++ Virginius Sinkevičius is hesitant ++

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Protest action on the Albanian Shushica River

++ The entire valley of the Shushica stands up against the diversion of its water ++ Albanian government wants to drain the water from the Vjosa tributary ++ Vjosa National Park in danger after just one year ++

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Better protection for the Balkan lynx

++ The Conference on the Convention of Migratory Species (CMS) takes place in Uzbekistan ++ The Balkan lynx is now also included in the agreement ++ Range states commit to measures to protect the critically endangered cat ++

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