The fourth episode of the investigative documentary series "Out of Control" shows dramatic destruction in the Romanian Calimani National Park. To coincide with the broadcast of the episode, a petition for the protection of the Romanian paradise forests has been launched. Please sign it too!

It’s not just the areas of deforestation that are dramatic but also the devastation left behind by heavy vehicles in the sensitive ecosystem.
© Matthias SchickhoferLarge areas of deforestation, wide forest roads, polluted wild rivers: In many places, the Calimani National Park in the Eastern Carpathians looks more like a commercial forest than a national park. During his research for the shooting of the fourth episode of "Out of Control" Andrei Ciurcanu from our Romanian partner organisation Agent Green discovered numerous areas of devastation. Heavily embroiled in these mafia-like activities is state-owned forestry company Romsilva. The illegal practices are well known to National Park rangers, but they fear losing their jobs if they impose fines.
"The primeval forests are our pride and joy and are crucial to the survival of many endangered species. Environment Minister Gratiela Gavrilescu must act now and immediately relieve Romsilva of its responsibility for the management of protected areas," says Gabriel Paun, President of Agent Green and EuroNatur award winner. In order to add weight to his demand, Agent Green and EuroNatur have launched an international petition to protect the paradise forests. It calls on the Romanian Prime Minister Viorica Dăncilă to act quickly to bring this nature conservation drama in the Carpathians to an end.