++ Intergovernmental science-policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services confirms grave situation of biodiversity ++ One of the most urgent measures is to protect old forests ++ EuroNatur and Agent Green call on EU heads of government to finally protect Romania’s primeval forests ++

Only stumps remain of centuries-old beeches after clear-cutting.
© Matthias Schickhofer/EuroNaturRadolfzell, Paris. On the occasion of the EU summit to be held on 9 May 2019 in Sibiu, Romania, the international nature conservation foundation EuroNatur and its Romanian partner organisation Agent Green draw attention to the conservation disaster happening in the Carpathians. In an open letter, they call on the heads of government of European Union member states to put the ongoing devastation of Romania’s primeval forests on the agenda of the meeting and to stand up for putting an end to clear-cutting.
“Since Romania’s accession to the European Union almost half of the country’s primary forests have been cut down. The clear-cutting does not even spare protected areas. All this is happening before the face of the Romanian government and the European Union,” says Gabriel Schwaderer, CEO of EuroNatur.
In the final report of the IPBES (Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services) presented in Paris today, the scientists once again underlined the bad state of biodiversity on our planet. They agree that species extinction has long gone beyond being an ecological problem, with entire ecosystems losing stability, which in turn jeopardizes the basis for food, clean water and fresh air. Many renowned scientists rank very high the protection of forests that are untouched or close to their natural constitution.
Background information:
- Today, 6 May, IPBES published its report on the global state of biodiversity. Analogous to the IPCC’s climate report, it summarises the state of knowledge on biological diversity on Earth, but also outlines options for action.
- EuroNatur and Agent Green have jointly launched the campaign ‘SaveParadiseForests’ to protect Romania’s primeval forests.
- Read the open letter to the Heads of Government of European Union member states here.
Further information: Christian Stielow, christian.stielow(at)euronatur.org, Tel. +49 7732 927215