
Elfrun Lindenthal has always been fascinated by water in all its forms – whether flowing or frozen, freshwater or salt water. So it’s not surprising that she would like to give something back to nature in general, and specifically to “the wet element”.
Elfrun Lindenthal, this qualified geo-ecologist has been working for EuroNatur since 2018. Initially, she looked after the INTERREG project Sava TIES. This project focuses on the management of invasive plant species in the catchment area of the Sava. Having finished this project, Elfrun moved into administration at EuroNatur. With her experience gained from project management, she is now an interface between the project area and administration, coordinating the tasks of the different departments. Among others, Elfrun Lindenthal helps to draft project proposals and primarily takes care of the administration and financial management of EU-funded projects at EuroNatur, for example the “BEST Belt” project in the European Green Belt.
She says: “On my travels, both private and on business, I have always been deeply impressed by the beauty of nature. To protect nature has become a matter close to my heart. I am happy to be able to do so in various ways by working at EuroNatur.”