Project Manager

Sometimes, it can be a certain book that, read at a young age, awakens a passion for a lifetime. In Antje Henkelmann's case it was the book for young adults Julie von den Wölfen ("Julie of the Wolves"). It was only a short way from her early enthusiasm for wolves to her studies in forestry. For her bachelor's thesis Antje then researched the Mexican wolf and the different management of these animals in Mexico and in the United States. Antje's master thesis, which was dealing with the effects of the climate crisis on brown bears in Alaska, became even more adventurous. As part of her work, Antje spent several days paddling on the Yukon River, where, along its banks, grizzlies often roam.
Being highly qualified for bear and and wolf issues - after working in the fields of international science cooperation, research and environmental education - Antje Henkelmann eventually applied to EuroNatur. Since October 2022, Antje's expertise on Europe's large carnivores has been a great asset to the Foundation's work. She finds it sometimes challenging but always exciting that she is responsible for the two animal species, which are quite often at the centre of the human-wildlife conflict. Moreover, Antje Henkelmann likes the search for compromise between the different groups of interest.
She herself says: "I feel very fortunate that my work allows me to deal with animals that have always fascinated me and that I can contribute with my experience in international cooperations. In doing so, I definitely want to keep my openness towards the different and sometimes conflicting concerns of all parties involved."