International Bat Conference 2021

A Brown long-eared bat and an insect

A Brown long-eared bat is hunting.

© Dietmar Nill
Logo EU Regional Development Fund INTERREG VA

Bats have followed the human for centuries. They are threatened by habitat destruction and the increasing loss of their food source, insects. It is therefore all the more important to design and maintain large bat hibernation sites that are suitable for the species.

From October 26 to 28, 2021 the International Bat Conference "Protection of bat populations - threats, problems, practices, solutions" has taken place via ZOOM. The conference has taken place within the Natura Viadrina + project, financially supported by the INTERREG VA Brandenburg - Poland 2014 - 2020 program of the European Union.

We have put together a diverse program where bat experts from different European countries shared their knowledge and experiences about the conservation of large hibernation sites for bats like industrial buildings, bunkers, caves, etc. For example, the hibernacula "Alte Brauerei Frankfurt (Oder)" in Germany and the bunker complex "Nietoperek" in Poland have been presented.

You can view the presentations of the speakers as pdf's down below.

Programme - International Bat Conference 2021

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Logo 30 years Eurobats

Andreas Streit & Suren Gazaryan - EUROBATS

The International Agreement on the Conservation of Populations of European Bats (EUROBATS) was set up under the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals, which recognises that endangered migratory species can be properly protected only if activities are carried out over the entire migratory range of the species. EUROBATS aims to protect all 51 European bat species through legislation, education, conservation measures and international co-operation with Agreement members and with those who have not yet joined. The Agreement provides a framework of co-operation for the conservation of bats throughout Europe, Northern Africa and the Middle East. The EUROBATS Secretariat was established by the First Session of the Meeting of Parties in 1995. It started working in Bonn, Germany in 1996. Its particular functions are to  exchange information and co-ordinate international research and monitoring initiatives; arrange the Meetings of the Parties and the Advisory and Standing Committee meetings; stimulate proposals for improving the effectiveness of the Agreement, and attract more countries to participate in and join the Agreement; raise public awareness for the bat conservation.

Contact: suren.gazaryan[at]; eurobats[at]

Recent and ongoing activities of the EUROBATS Sekretariat

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Andriy-Taras Bashta with a camera

Andriy-Taras Bashta - Institute of Ecology of the Carpathians of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

PhD, leading research scientist of the Institute of Ecology of the Carpathians NASU, Lviv (Ukraine)

Ecologist, zoologist with the focus on biodiversity research and conservation (birds, bats and large carnivores, invasive species, relationship between these species and environmental factors), sustainable development, ecosystem service, nature protection areas management.

Contact: atbashta[at]; atbashta[at]

Logo Landschaftspflegeverband Mittlere Oder e.V.

Christina Brunkow - LPV Mittlere Oder e.V.

Kontakt: brunkow[at]

The „Old Brewery Frankfurt (Oder)“ as a nationally important hibernation site for the greater mouse-eared bat (Myotis myotis)

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Bat Expert
Logo Centre for Bat Research and Conservation

Dr. Szilárd-Lehel Bücs - Centre for Bat Research & Conservation

Szilárd is a bat researcher since more than 15 years, and also Romania's scientific focal point in frame of the EUROBATS Agreement. He coordinates several projects of bat research and monitoring, most recently a cross-border project in Romania and Serbia, aimed at the conservation of Rhinolophus species in the Iron Gates region. He is the president and one of the founders of the Centre for Bat Research and Conservation, and is also responsible for the creation of the tri-lingual bat portal at (in Romanian, Hungarian and English).

Kontakt: szilardbux[at]

Bat colonies in man-madeunderground sites of Romania:conservation and challenges

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Bat expert Elena Stoeva in a cave

Elena Stoeva - Green Balkans

Elena Stoeva has 15 years of experience in research and conservation of bats and coordinates a group for bats and caves conservation in Green Balkans NGO. Elena is a participant in the establishment of NATURA 2000 network in Bulgaria, the mapping and the reporting of the condition of the bat populations in relation to Art.17 of the Directive of habitats. She is a co-author of the single in Bulgaria Plan for cave management and author and co-author of scientific articles about bats. Manager of more than 10 projects, related to research and conservation of bats and she has a leading role in the annual celebration of the International Bat Night in Bulgaria.

Contact: etilova[at]

Bat Expert Denisa Lobbová

Denisa Lobbová - Slovak Bat Conservation Society

Denisa studied environmental ecology, dedicated to practical nature conservation. Participates in the research of bats and their protection, as well as in other various projects for the protection of birds, European ground squirrels, etc.

Kontakt: info[at]; goblin.denn[at]

Protection of bat colonies in attics in Hungary, Romania, Slovakia and Ukraine -ongoing results of the international project HUSKROUA-BAT4MAN

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Iwona Stopińska-Hryniuk, manager and designer in the company ZBYTECH

Iwona Stopińska-Hryniuk - ZBYTECH

My name is Iwona Stopińska-Hryniuk, I am a manager and designer in the company ZBYTECH Zbigniew Hryniuk, which my husband has been running for several years. In the company we deal with active bat conservation, starting from adaptation and construction of winter roosts, through adaptation of attics for summer hiding places, to bat rescue and environmental education. In the company, I deal with investment preparation, project implementation and implementation monitoring. In addition, I am professionally involved in the protection of historical monuments, which is sometimes connected with the protection of bats.

Contact: zbytech[at]

Adaptations and protection of winter bat shelters

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Kris Boers
Wout Willems

Kris Boers & Wout Willems - Natuurpunt Bat working group

Kris Boers and Wout Willems from the Natuurpunt Bat Working Group (Flanders, Belgium) have been coordinating bat research and monitoring in de Antwerp fortresses for over 25 years.

They also occupy themselves with managing and protecting the forts for bats. Their drive led to a dozen research reports and many more publications about bats in the Antwerp fortresses.

Kris is a volunteer and former president of the Bat working Group, and member of the Bat Expert Group of the Antwerp fortresses. Wout is besides being active as volunteer also professionally coordinating bat projects at Natuurpunt.

Contact: wout.willems[at]; krisboers[at]

René Janssen - Bionet Natuur

Contact: anomalus[at]

Bats swarm where they hibernate

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Karl Kugelschafter - ChiroTEC

Contact: info[at]


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