War against Ukraine and Energy crisis: EuroNatur Award for forest conservationists from Germany and Ukraine
Watch a best-of video of the award ceremony here. You can watch the whole event on our Facebook page.
Europe's last primary and old-growth forests are under massive stress from exploitation and pressure to utilise resources. The war against Ukraine and its consequences for energy supply are further exacerbating the situation. EuroNatur is drawing attention to this dramatic, pan-European situation and has honored this year's EuroNatur Award to German climate and forest conservationist Antje Grothus, Ukrainian scientist and primary forest conservationist Prof. Dr. Fedir Hamor, and Ukrainian nature conservation initiative Free Svydovets.

Activists from Free Svydovets in the Ukrainian Carpathians
© Free SvydovetsIn his laudation, EuroNatur Presidium member Prof. Dr. Hannes Knapp spoke of the great uncertainties of our times. In addition to the destruction of nature on our continent, war has also been raging in the midst of Europe for seven months. "With the 2022 award, we want to send out a signal of our solidarity with Ukraine. Today, Adelina Zakharchenko is accepting the EuroNatur Award on behalf of Free Svydovets. It is also a symbol for Free Ukraine.” The second award winner from Ukraine, Prof. Dr. Fedir Hamor, who was unfortunately unable to undertake the journey to Mainau Island, received the EuroNatur Award for his efforts to protect the virgin and natural forests of his country. The third award winner, Antje Grothus, receives the award for her tireless efforts to protect the Hambach Forest, which has been destined to be sacrificed for coal mining on multiple occasions.
Impressions of the award ceremony 2022
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